Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Church Planting Lesson #6,743---Supporter vs. Hijacker

Today, I have decided to reopen my blog and will be blogging more frequently. Today, I feel led to share with pastors and future church planters a leadership lesson concerning dealing with the vision that God has given you. I have found that there are people who support your church and people who are there to try to hijack the vision of your church.

It is my experience since starting Revolution Church that those who think they are most spiritual and should be in charge are usually the ones that think they know the most about the Bible, and usually the ones that can't seem to find a way to help serve, nor are they the ones who give to the church to make the ministry go forward. They are self-proclaimed spiritual giants! More frequently then not, they are ones that have more to criticize about what your church is doing rather than help you make the ministry better. They usually tell you how good they are at being a leader too!

To all my fellow church planting pastors and people who seek to be in ministry in the future. Always be on guard of those who talk a big talk but are not willing to put to action what needs to happen in the church. Too many people like to say what they do not like about God's church without a willingness to participate in a solution. These people are known in the Bible as busybodies. People who seem to look like they are involved in what the ministry is doing, but actually do not add to the work of the ministry, and in many cases, even detract from the vision that God has put on your life for building His church. Too many people want the Title of leader but not the responsibility of being the leader.


This is how you build a church. You work with the people who support the vision God gave you for starting His church. When David decided to trust God and go fight the big, mean, giant named Goliath, Saul tried to make David wear his armor. The problem was that David couldn't maintain the way that Saul typically did battle. He could only do what he was comfortable with and knew to do.

The same is true for your church. You can only be who God created you to be. As the leader, you cannot allow other people to dictate the direction of the vision God gave you for your church. God didn't give them the vision, He gave you the vision. It is your responsibility to protect that vision at all costs! Besides, you must consider what your church will look like when that person who is giving you all these things you need to change in your church-leaves your church. Be careful not to let Saul tell you what you need to do because one day you will be the one that has to maintain the ministry that Saul started!!! At this point you will be in a hole because those people didn't have the vision and you don't know how to carry out the ministry that those people were doing the way that they were doing it. 

Again, if you will do what God has called you to do, there are people out there who fully support it! There are people out there that are attracted to the vision that God has given you for your church. For every 1 person that thinks you should change everything, there are 10 people who love the way that you are doing ministry. Why? Because God's vision is attractive. When we see what He sees and do what He wants us to do, we live lives that other people only wish they could live!

God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

We have seen God do absolutely incredible things since we endeavored to start Revolution Church! Our church is officially 5 weeks old and God has blessed our church substantially! We have over 100 members and are growing! God's presence is felt week to week, and Amy and I have been surrounded with an amazing team of people who work hard to serve each other and support the vision of the church. God rewards those that stick to the game plan and continue to seek Him.

What is He showing you today?

If you are a pastor or church planter-Maybe He is telling you to reclaim the leadership responsibility of your church and stop letting people who haven't been given the vision drive the direction of the church.

If you are a church member-Maybe He is telling you to be the best support system for your church leaders as possible. It is so easy to critique the way others are doing ministry, rather than help your pastor fulfill the vision that God has given to him. Don't take the easy way out and become a Saul who tries to change the method of how things are done. Instead, understand your responsibility to encourage and support the work that God is doing through your pastor. Be an armor bearer and protect your pastor's heart and his family. Help him protect the vision. After all, isn't that what you really want in a pastor? One who is hearing and obeying the voice of God?

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